
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Art Contest Entries: Save the Sound

The boys entered a statewide contest to draw a poster depicting what the Long Island Sound and its watershed means to them.  Both took on the theme of pollution, Cole's showing a clean environment and Cooper's showing what polluting can do to the animals that reside there (while I don't think the Sound has great white sharks or humpback whales, who knows for sure? ).  Winning posters get to appear in a Long Island Sound calendar.

        Cooper - age 6                                                              Cole - Age 10

Monday, April 19, 2010

Purge Time !

The box of shoes currently on the chopping block. Hopefully all will sell and I'll be on my way to disposing of excess clothes next.  There's a lot more to get rid of than I thought there would be.  After we sold our house in 2007, we had a really big garage sale/purge fest and only kept minimal stuff, or so we thought.  But now that we have our new home, a 44 foot catamaran, that we think we'll be on for a while, we have to
 get rid of more stuff so that we don't have to store it anywhere.  Every new purchase has to be carefully thought out, "do we need it?", "do we have something else that can do the same job?".  We must be weight misers!

Even though this new boat is longer than our old one, catamarans are more weight sensitive than monohulls, especially heavy steel ones.  One advantage of the cat is that is will be a much faster boat, but not if too much stuff is piled into it.  I'm only too happy to get rid of stuff that we don't need or is accumulating in bags and boxes under tables and in closets. We are in a rental, so our things have been out everywhere since we've been here, it makes it all too apparent just what we have and what we use. But it also makes it easier to get rid of.

Friday, April 16, 2010

We Have a New Home !

Our "new" St. Francis 44 catamaran. We finally found the perfect boat for us! It all happened rather fast, although we've been looking for a catamaran for about 2 years.  After two potential boats fell through for us, this one came through with almost perfect timing (our lease runs out in June).  In retrospect, we're glad the other two didn't pan out because this one will allow us to leave with minimal work, where the others had a lot of projects to be done. Not that we don't like projects, but when it eats up your time off, it's not always a cost effective solution.  Unfortunately we are not where the boat is, but we hope to be by summer time. We haven't actually figured out the details of where we'll keep her and when we'll go, but now that we have our new home, we are anxious to get aboard and make her our new home!